Specialist Area Autism consists of 22 service facilities. We provide

  • Sheltered Housing
  • Flexible, Mobile Housing
  • Supervised living
  • Supported living
  • Education and employment

aimed at adults who have been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

One of our services also provides

  • Advice
  • Consultancy
  • Research
  • Education in ASD for residential social workers and for residential social workers/teachers working in schools and special education

We have around 450 adults with autism who either live in one of our departments or receive help and guidance from us.

A total of 450 employees, work in Specialist Area Autism, e.g. residential social workers, psychologists, physical therapist etc. 

Core tasks

Our core task is to provide and develop the ultimate conditions for the well- being, development and change for adults with autism.

Target groups

Specialist Area Autism has facilities for all adults with ASD. We offer support for the whole spectrum, from those with developmental impairment and ASD to those functioning well in their own home.

In particular we also deal with the target group of ASD with comorbid conditions, e.g. eating disorders, schizophrenia, OCD, special behaviour-related disorders etc.

Our organization has been created so that we can deal with and support each and every indivi­dual’s needs, competences and development opportunities regardless of functional level.


Specialist Area for Autism is a part of Psychiatry and Social Service in Central Denmark Region.

Central Denmark Region provides psychiatric services for children, adolescent and adults suffering from mental illness. The services cover the inpatient management, acute and intensive care, diagnosis and treatment.

Within the area of social services, the region in agreement with the local municipalities operates a range of specialised services and institutions for groups with special needs for social services. The users of these services all share the need for extensive help and support to cope.

5,000 employees work within the psychiatric and social service sector in Central Denmark Region.